
Psychiatry - Miami, FL

Job description

Psychiatry - Miami, FL

JOB TITLE: Principal Investigator/ Sub Investigator

REPORTS TO: Associate Medical Director

DEPT: Medical & Clinical

JOB SUMMARY The Principal Investigator (PI) is responsible for the oversight and execution of Clinical Studies performed on behalf of the Sponsor. The PI promotes Good Clinical Practices (GCP) in the conduct of Clinical Investigations by ensuring the integrity of data generated at the site and directing the conduct of the clinical investigation as to the guidelines issued by State and Federal Authorities and the Sponsor.

Provide Qualifications & Agreements:
- Will be responsible for maintaining up-to-date curriculum vitae
- Maintaining all required licenses to practice and execute the job as PI
- Providing Sponsor and IRB with documentation of credentials as required
- Demonstrating the proper education, training and experience to conduct the clinical investigation
- Assuming the responsibility for the conduct of the clinical investigation
- Signing sponsor contract as appropriate
- Disclosing conflicts of interest as described in the regulations

Ensure Protocol Compliance:
- Processing a thorough understanding of the requirements of each protocol
- Determining that inclusion/exclusion criteria are applicable to the study population
- Ensuring recruitment goals are reasonable and attainable
- Assessing the overall protocol feasibility
- Following the trial's randomization procedures
- Not implementing any protocol deviation or changes without agreement by the sponsor and prior review and approval by the IRB (except to eliminate immediate hazards to subject)
*For immediate consideration, please forward a copy of your CV to: Sign up or sign in for contact information

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