
CRNA needed for Laurinburg NC

Job description

CRNA needed for Laurinburg NC

Opportunity to do blocks! $196k, 10+ wk off/yr. Ortho, Gen, Endo, OB/Gyn, Peds ENT, Vascular, B&B

Rotating call position with 10 WEEKS OFF per year.

Case types: ortho, general, vascular, gyn, OB, GI, eyes, podiatry, urology, peds ENT, recently added peds ortho. CRNAs are responsible for labor epidurals.

Our CRNAs maintain excellent rapport with our surgeons and other OR staff, and we are looking for a CRNA interested in expanding their experience (opportunity for regional) and providing excellent care to our community. Previous regional experience not required.

Opportunity for overtime, if desired

Please send resume to Sign up or sign in for contact information

Brian Torchin
HCRC Staffing

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