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• Coverage needed per month: 2-6 days
• Frequency of any Call needed: No call
• Schedule Details: Monday and Wednesday 6:30a 4:00p- 8 hour minimum pay. 1.5x rate over 8 hours.
Work Details:
• Support staff: RN PACU, RN Pre-OP, RN OR Circulator,
• Department Description: Primarily minimal invasive spine surgery including Spine fusion, Laminectomy, kyphoplasty, SI fusion, spinal cord stim, to name a few. No neuro/brain or orthopedics. Patients are ASA 2-3 and are not high risk other than BMI may be higher but not high risk. Cases are typically 1-3 hours at most and usually do 2-4 cases depending on the times.
There are other CRNAs that can be a resource and work with them initially, if necessary.
• Patient Volume: 2-4 cases per day
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